Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Forgot to Pray For That...Again.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4, NRSV).

I don’t want for this to serve as a confessional, but I am putting something out there. I rarely pray for our government leaders. I pray for the leaders in my church regularly, but not my government.

Is it because I didn’t vote for the current administration? I don’t know. Do I have an, “if you didn’t do it my way then you are on your own”, mentality? Oh, I hope not.

For whatever reason, I am not fulfilling this necessary role in the body of Christ. Everyone needs our prayers, especially those in authority over us. My pastor was saying that intercessory prayer is an act of love. I like to think that I am giving little hugs to the people I pray for, even if I will never meet them. I especially like to think of hugging people who do not want to be hugged. So there.

I am putting this out there because I want to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. I want that, and scripture says that this is part of that puzzle. Therefore, sign me up.

You know the other reasons that Paul conveniently gives us? It is the right thing to do, and God likes it. And, if God wants for me to do this, I need to get out my colored pens and add it to my prayer list.

This month I am going to set a habit for myself of praying for the Presidency, Senate and House every day during September. I am also going to pray for the leaders of my state and city. My prayer will not only be for their leadership under God, but that they would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. I will pray for freedom from deceit and conceit, so that this truth can guide them decisively.

I am hoping that this will put me into overdrive so that I can pray for these people more frequently after this time is over.

Plus, how fun is it to think of hugging all of these important people without their security guards pulling me off?

Want to join me?

Father, thank you for guiding us so specifically with your word. Lord, today I pray for your Presidency and your Cabinet. I pray for your House of Representatives and your Senate. I pray that they would know, in a very real way, that they are leading under You. I pray that you would guide the leaders of your state and your city today. I pray that your agenda would be accomplished in these offices. Father, I pray that you would put people in their paths that would lead them to salvation, and the knowledge of your truth. I pray that your truth would be used to act decisively each day. Free these people from the deceit that surrounds them and the conceit that can accompany leadership. Father, place this prayer in my heart so that we can live quietly, peacefully, and in dignity that can only come from you. Amen.

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