Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God Will Seek It Out

God is omnipotent...omnipresent...omniscient...omni

He has the world in His hand and the universe in His reach.

I can only imagine that is a lot to manage. I have been listening to A Woman Inspired Conference this week. Managing even my little household is a full-time job. Do you know how to use a miter? I certainly don't. I am stunned by the organization and skill of some of the speakers...stunned. I have a long way to go.

In my daily hustle and bustle, I will admit that I don't take the time to seek out some of the little pieces of life. They are significant, but they are just little.

I can, but don't, dwell in the place where decisions start. I put out the fires where they end a great deal of the time.

The problem enters when I notice the result of my negligence. I did not gain twenty pounds as the result of swallowing a twenty pound bowling ball. I did it one Sweet Potato Chip at a time (that is what I am eating right now).

I do not seek "it" out...the little place.

I think that I want God to be like me. I want Him to not bother seeking out the little nuggets of eventual consequence. I want to make decisions on the fly, and apologize later. If asked, I would tell you that I am prayerful and I desire His will, but I know things that you don't. There are times that I go on autopilot. When I traveled this month, there were things that took a back seat. I squeezed in quiet times and prayed as I went. Forgiveness was an afterthought and confession came slowly. The truth is, when I am negligent, I always suffer.

God is not like me. God is never negligent. God resides where the fires rage, at the end of decisions, as well as the quiet inception of every journey. Not only that, but He seeks "it" out.

God seeks out every emotion...every thought...every heart...omni

In the pride of their countenance the wicked say, "God will not seek it out". - Psalm 10:4a, NRSV

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! This post was wonderful! God is never negligent...we just need to always remember this.


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